I have Moved!

I have moved! My new blog address is http:\\www.masterkeysempowerU.com  Hope to see you there!

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Week 16 Focusing on my Ideal

Master Key number 16 tells us to give no thought to persons places or things when we are visualizing our desires.  If we hold the ideal in our minds then everything necessary will come at the right time and place.  I have been trying to focus on this truth as I sat in silence this week.  As I forgot about all the things I thought would have to happen before my ideal was realized and just thought about what I truly wanted I became so energized and excited that I ended my silent time with a “YES”.  It was all suddenly so real and vibrant!  This has encouraged me to truly focus more on my ideals and has assured me that if I do this everything required will happen in perfect timing because it is already manifested.

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Week 15 Substitution and Relaxation

As I looked at the 7 Laws of the Mind again I saw how important the law of practice is for me.  The law of substitution says we can’t think about 2 things at the same time.  This is a valuable thing to know when you’re trying to stop a thought that doesn’t serve you and also a very good thing for me to be reminded of again and again.  I have found myself being more careful in the last 15 weeks while reading the Master Keys to make sure I’m really paying attention to what I’m reading.  If I’m thinking about something else it really isn’t doing me any good to read it. 

The Law of Relaxation is another law I have been practicing and will continue to practice.  When I go to my spot and sit in silence if I try to bring my thoughts to concentration without first making sure I totally relax I really might just as well not be sitting there.  My thoughts are on every topic except the one I’m trying to think about. 

So I’m glad “practice makes perfect”  because I plan on practicing these 7 laws every day.

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Week 14 Pay Attention…

I’m really feeling excitement as I write this blog.  Part of my DMP has already manifested!  And I almost missed it. One of the things I have on my DMP is I enjoy traveling with my family.  I wasn’t specific as to what kind of travel but had in mind something big like a cruise.  Over the holidays my husband and I and 3 of our 4 children traveled 700 miles to visit our son.  This is something we’ve done in the past a couple of times so since it wasn’t anything too different I didn’t think anything of it.  We were also visiting my sister and we enjoyed our whole visit but the day that really seemed the most special was the day we spent with just our 4 children traveling to my son’s work place, his home and around the area that is now his home.  When we returned to my sister’s home and I was reading my DMP and scroll for the last time that day it all of a sudden hit me….I had seriously enjoyed traveling with my family that day.  So the lesson for me was to pay attention to all the ways the universe sends us what we ask for and also to be as specific as possible in the asking.  I have added more details about the ways I enjoy traveling with my family to my DMP and after experiencing the fulfillment I am even more excited and certain that all the things on my DMP are already fulfilled. 

Just a short update to another blog I wrote…in week 11 I wrote about my  husband organizing part of the house after I asked the universe to help me have a cleaner more organized home.  The following week…without me ever asking or mentioning this to my college age son he decided to clean his room…and not only his room.  He went through all of his dresser drawers and his closet and got rid of several bags of clothes which will now be donated to charity.  This is such an empowering way to start the new year and once again shows me how powerful my thoughts and desires are.  I am once again filled with awe and gratitude.

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Week 13 Allowing the Universe

I must admit I found the 13th master key a little more difficult to read…but every time I read part on the 25th paragraph I reread it to make sure I really got it.  “Are we to inform the omniscient as to the proper channel to be used to materialize our demand?  Can the finite Advise the Infinite?”  I think too many times I’ve tried to do just this.  And I’ve come to realize more and more how much that limits what the universe can bring into my life.  So the new promise to myself is to allow the Universe to decide the channels to use to bring abundance into my life.

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Week 12 Gratitude and Amazement

Here I am again being grateful for an exercise I started out doing only because it was part of the MKMMA course.   Mark asked us to write down 25 or more things we’ve accomplished in our lives.  It wasn’t too difficult to come up with the first dozen or so but then I had to think a little longer.  I was acknowledging myself for what I’d accomplished and feeling pretty good.  Then I took a look at next weeks assignments and saw we’re to come up with at least 25 more.  I started thinking of some of the things I’ve accomplished just since starting the MKMMA course and I began to get pretty excited.  When I look back I am amazed at myself and so thankful for  Mark and Davene.  Lots of the technical stuff I’ve implemented I never would have tried to do on my own but have done with Davene’s helpful videos.  Thus gratitude toward them and myself for the growth in myself in the last 12 weeks.

The amazement comes when I think about the ways Mark and Davene have put things together .  I’m following through on things I normally wouldn’t follow through on simply because I’ve had successes in the small things and because “I always keep my promises” is now something I say at least 9 times a day. 

So as I wrote down the things I’ve accomplished especially in the past 12 weeks I was filled with excitement and expectation….I can’t wait to see what the next 13 weeks bring into my life….I know it’s gonna be fantastic….thanks again Mark and Davene.

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Week 11 I believe!

Several things happened this week that show me the power of believing and how I’m growing and changing.  The first was something I noticed while listening to my goal recording.  I like to listen to it as I fall asleep and have my ipod set so it repeats over and over.  Several nights in a row I noticed I was sleeping and at a certain point in the recording I would wake up with a start and feel very energized and wide awake.  I was able to go back to sleep quickly but wanted to know which affirmation was doing that…I’m pretty sure now it is one that states I am sizzling with energy.  So I believe even more in the power of that tool and am even more committed to listening to it often. 

Something else that happened this week has me believing more….As I sat for the first time thinking about believing that what I asked for was already present in my life one of the things I thought about was wanting a clean organized house since we’re having company early next week.  My week was especially busy.  In fact part of all but one day was spent in activities that were service to others.  The cool thing was that even though I was not spending nearly as much time getting ready for my company as I usually would I was not stressed and was confident that my house would be ready for them on Monday afternoon.  Even more amazing was the fact that my husband started doing some organizing that I’d asked him to do months ago.  And the rest of the house if almost ready too.   All with less effort than I usually put into getting ready for company.  I realize this didn’t happen by magic…there is still action being taken but once you know what you desire is already yours the universe brings to you what you need to have it happen.    At least one other thing I thought about in my quite time this week is starting to look closer to being reality also….cant wait to see how the universe brings it to me.  I believe.

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Week 10 onward to scroll 3

I really loved reading scroll 2 throughout the 30 days.  I was looking forward to going on the scroll 3…but was kinda disappointed after I read it the first time.  After thinking about it for a little while I realised it might be because I was only looking at what I thought I would have to do to succeed.  Scroll 3 tells us we must persist to succeed.  That somehow sounded like hard work to me.  But I continued to read it 3 times a day…after all I always keep my promises and I’d promised to read it 3 times a day.  At the end of the 3rd day as I read the scroll aloud I suddenly got a completely different feeling about this scroll.  I was feeling a sense of hope and encouragement.  And also feeling much more empowered.  All I have to do to succeed is persist!  After all that’s what I’ve been doing already.  If I wasn’t persisting I would never have enrolled in the MKMMA course.  I am also appreciating more and more how Mark and Davene have included so many different ways of learning into the course..bombarding my thoughts from all directions.  So…I will persist until I succeed and I will win.

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Week 9 Habits and Promises

You know it’s a habit when…..After returning from a late evening trip to the emergency room (nothing too serious, just an allergic reaction to tylenol)  as I got ready for bed at about midnight I remembered I still needed to read the scroll out loud and just automatically went and did it.  Now I know it’s really a habit and part of me.

Another thing I’ve been thinking about this week is promises.  As I’ve read the service cards and DMP followed by I always keep my promises on each card I’ve noticed I’ve begun to follow through on things more often….this has been a real weak point for me in the past.  Mark and Davine you are so wise in how you’ve put this program together.  If it’s written down it’s true and starting with smaller promises leads to bigger things.  I’m so grateful as I feel more trust in myself growing and more promises being kept in bigger things.  Thank you!!!!!

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Week 8 I can be what I will to be

I’ve been saying this affirmation 20 times a day…sometimes more….ever since we received the assignment to do so.  I must admit many times…most times…I said it only because I’ve been told to.  But something changed this week.  I think of the affirmation several times a day…not just at the times when I read my service card.  I’ve begun to feel the power behind the words as I say them.  I’ve added a little piece to the affirmation too.  After I say it a few times…I really enjoy saying what it is I will to be.  Pieces of my DMP.  I have no problem saying it with enthusiasm….it is always with enthusium.  As I’ve continued to do this this week I’ve noticed my belief in these things coming into my life has risen a lot.  Now if I start to doubt the certainty of it I say  it a few times in this way.  I KNOW the things I’ve written down are coming toward me.  ” I can be what I will to be!”

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